If content marketing makes up any part of your company’s business strategy, then it’s important to take steps to make sure your content is optimized for search engines (SEO). Of course, there are agencies and freelance writers that specialize in writing SEO-friendly content, but they can be expensive and unreliable.
An AI-powered writing tool like Article Forge is a strong option for producing SEO content.
This article provides a brief background on AI writers as they relate to SEO, but you can click the button below to go directly to the “How To” section of this article for actionable advice!
- A brief background on SEO
- AI writers and their strengths in SEO writing
- How to use AI to produce SEO friendly articles
- Considerations for Creating SEO-Friendly Content
- How AI Can Automate Your Entire Content Creation Pipeline
- Wrap Up
What is SEO?
The topic of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is far too broad to be covered in any single post. But, the simple definition of SEO is the practice of building a webpage in a way that makes it more likely to appear in search engine query results. Many different elements go into optimizing your website for search engines, but the written content - the words on the website - is probably the most significant.

A big part of any SEO strategy should be identifying major keywords that customers in your market sector are likely to enter into search engines and writing content with an emphasis on those keywords. This is something that AI tools like Article Forge are specifically designed to do.
AI writers and their strengths in SEO writing
AI writers vs. AI writing assistants
Article Forge is an AI writer, which differentiates it from the vast majority of AI-powered writing tools on the market. Most are AI writing assistants. These tools, like Jasper, Copy, and others, focus on editing and extrapolating from content that someone has written. They require human input at every stage of the process in order to work.
Article Forge, on the other hand, writes an entire piece of long-form content, from start to finish, with only an initial keyword input from the user. It automates the writing process rather than just augmenting it.
This process has several advantages when it comes to making content that is SEO-friendly.
Article Forge and Search Engines Have AI in Common
Many fundamental parallels are shared between AI writers like Article Forge and search engines like Google.
First and foremost, Article Forge uses the same deep learning framework to determine what relevant information to include when writing that Google uses to determine what information is relevant to a searcher’s query.
Because search engines use these deep learning models to rank the most relevant results for every given keyword, Article Forge has an automatic edge when writing content. Specifically, Article Forge requires users to enter keywords as article prompts, then evaluates those keywords’ intent, and writes content that both the user and Google will find relevant.
In short, Article Forge produces content based on a keyword input from the user, making it a natural at producing keyword-driven SEO content that ranks.
Use AI to Publish Content at Scale More Efficiently
As any content manager can tell you, a big part of SEO is publishing a lot of high-quality content as efficiently as possible. But many of those same content managers are too busy with other facets of their pipeline to be able to consistently produce enough content to populate their content calendars.
AI writers like Article Forge are a great solution to this problem. As mentioned above, it is a comprehensive automation tool. Content managers can more or less fully outsource their content writing to Article Forge, and they can do so with much better return on investment than with freelancers.
How to use AI to produce SEO friendly articles
As the focal point of this article, you might think using AI to write articles is a complicated process that needs to be taught as a walkthrough. For some tools, that may be true, but the beauty of Article Forge is that it eliminates the vast majority of the work needed to produce a fully formed article.
You simply enter your keyword, click a button and in a single minute, you will have an entire article that is naturally SEO friendly.
The fact that you can can produce a full, long form piece of content with virtually no effort rewrites the entire return on investment equation for content production.
Get the best content you can out of Article Forge
Given that the input is incredibly simple, the keywords you enter will have a lot to do with how your article turns out. Therefore to get the best quality content, it’s important to make your intent clear by using descriptive and specific keywords.
For instance, if you enter the keyword: “surfing” with no other context, Article Forge will stick to the more general aspects of surfing. That might be the type of article you are looking for, but oftentimes, you will want your articles to be more focused; you might even want your content to refer to specific surfing locations.
So, if you entered a keyword like: “where to go surfing in Costa Rica”, Article Forge would know to write an article about great places to surf in Costa Rica, and the article would be much more focused.
When entering in your keywords, think of the equation below to help you tell Article Forge what you are looking for:

In this way, content managers can direct Article Forge to create content that addresses the intent that their target readers are searching for.
This also helps you address long tail keywords, conversational keywords, and gives you many more topic variations to build deeper content coverage to earn better overall topic authority.
Another way that Article Forge can be used to optimize content creation efficiency is through its API. Web developers, or even tech savvy marketing professionals, can use the API to plug Article Forge straight into their development process, allowing for all kinds of SEO-oriented integrations and automations.
No matter how you choose to use Article Forge, it will be able to improve your site’s search engine authority by writing content that is very SEO-friendly.
Considerations for Creating SEO-Friendly Content
So, now that we have explained the theory behind how AI writers work to create long-form, SEO-optimized content, it’s time to arm you with an actionable strategy that you can apply immediately.
SEO is somewhat of a black box and more of an art than a science. However, that doesn’t mean that SEO is impossible to learn.
To keep things simple, the only thing you need to focus on right now is your on-page SEO, simply the actual content on your website.
What, not even backlinks?
Nope. Backlinks are important and we will discuss them briefly later, but before you can focus on external factors, you need to take care of the core.
After all, you need content to build a content strategy.
Understanding Search Intent Comes First
While the first step in a content strategy is creating the content, that doesn’t mean you can just sit down and start typing.
No, the most crucial part of having an amazing SEO content strategy are the topics you write about.
If you want to create a content strategy that has real, quantifiable results carefully selecting topics is vital.
In other words here is what a blog post should NEVER look like:
- Title: Best Online Jobs
- Section 1: Online jobs vs physical jobs
- Section 2: Pros and cons of each
- Section 3: Why I prefer physical jobs?
- Section 4: How to get hired as a store manager?
Do you see the problem with this structure? If you do, you can probably skip to the next section. If you don’t, then this is the most important rule of good SEO so you should take note.
The problem?
This post structure has NO search intent. The sections don’t address the topic the title outlines. A post about “Best Online Jobs” needs to focus on providing information that matches that search query.
No one who is searching for the “Best Online Jobs” wants to read about how to get hired as an in-person store manager, or why you prefer physical jobs. The truth is they don’t care. If a reader doesn’t find what they are looking for by skimming your content, they will bounce.
Your readers don’t really care about you - they care about what you can do for them
That might sound terrible, but it’s just the way it is. You need to write for your readers because your goal is to help them find what they are looking for.
You can do this by mastering search intent.
In other words, you should create an article on a given keyword e.g. “Best Online Jobs” - aim to create content that is focused and relevant.
Ideally, your content will answer any additional questions the reader has, as a result, they will not continue searching. This will show Google that your content is extremely helpful and meets the reader’s needs.
If you understand search intent you will succeed. If you don’t, you will fail. It’s as simple as that.
Give the readers what they want straight away. People are impatient, they will not scroll through your article in order to find a small section on the topic they are looking for, they will simply go to a different website that answers their query directly.
Choosing Keywords
Choosing keywords that align with your audiences’ search intent is the single most important factor of a winning content strategy.
Keyword research can seem complicated but it comes down to one major factor, picking keywords that have a low difficulty. Simply, low difficulty keywords will provide you with the best chance of ranking well.
It doesn’t mean you can’t try, but SEO is a numbers game. If you were to create 20, 50, or 100 blog posts, then you would hope many of them appeared on the first page. To achieve this consistently you need to generate content that is targeting long-tail less competitive keywords.
For example, you would try and rank for “best investment product for young parents” rather than “best investment products”. Yes, the overall search volume is much lower, but your post will be very specific, so the click through rate of your articles will be significantly better. As a result, you will be rewarded with higher rankings, more visitors, and ultimately increased revenue.
What about search volume?
Search volume is included in virtually every keyword research tool, but we recommend essentially ignoring it. We are not saying that has no value, but it is a completely overrated metric.
There is no reason to be basing your keyword selection strategy on search volume. Firstly, it is not a totally accurate representation of actual traffic. Secondly, the keywords with the highest search volume often have very little commercial intent. And finally, it encourages bloggers and content managers to create content on topics that are not nearly as relevant to their overall content strategy (this is bad SEO practice).
Yes, if you rank well for an informational keyword that brings in alot of traffic that’s good because it can increase the amount of ad revenue you’re earning. However, this will not earn you nearly as much money you would earn from a less competitive, lower search volume, commercial keyword.
Simply, stop focusing on traffic. It is a vanity metric. Your traffic will increase significantly over time as you publish more and more content. It’s crucial that instead of focusing on traffic you focus on ranking well.
Traffic, income, and authority are all results of ranking for lots of keywords!
Search Volume ≠ Traffic
So, we have already mentioned that search volume is not an accurate representation of traffic. This might come as a surprise, but there is a reason for that we will quickly explain.
Humans are not all the same. We don’t think identically. Therefore, the way that I search for information will be different from the way that you do.
Google knows this, too, and its algorithms account for semantically related search!
Let’s say I am looking for product recommendations for programming laptops. I might enter into Google (my query) “best budget laptops for programming”. However, you might enter “best budget coding laptops” and someone else might enter “cheap laptops for people learning programming”.
These searches all mean virtually the same thing and we are all trying to access the same information. However, search volume metrics in SEO tools do not account for this. They see “best budget laptops for programming” and “best budget coding laptops” as unique searches. Therefore, the “search volume” is effectively split down the middle.
In reality, if you rank number 1 for “best budget coding laptops'' you will also likely rank number 1 or 2 for “best budget laptops for programming”, and tons of semantically similar keywords. This means that the total volume of people looking for the information you have will be much higher.
Again this means more impressions, more clicks, and more revenue!
Therefore, the best practice for bloggers and content managers is to create lots of content on low-competition keywords that you can easily rank for. The traffic will accumulate as you build a consistent stream of content!
If you’re unsure how to find these low-competition keywords or are new to SEO, we recommend checking out our LowFruits keyword research guide, which will show you just how easy and affordable it is to perform high-quality keyword research
How AI Can Automate Your Entire Content Creation Pipeline
While solid keyword research is the foundation of any successful SEO strategy, great keywords aren’t worth much without high-quality content written around their intent.
And while creating content has historically been incredibly time-consuming and expensive, using AI to write articles has changed the game.
As we mentioned earlier, only AI writers can enable you to truly automate and scale the content creation process. Article Forge is an entirely new breed of AI writing tool.
First and foremost, it is an AI writer capable of generating 1,500+ word articles with a single click. Secondly, unlike other AI tools, it is not built on GPT-3, instead it is built on its own, unique, research mechanism that utilizes current information that Google and users will find accurate, relevant and helpful.
Article Forge Content Ranks
We stress the importance of helpful content given Google’s new helpful content update that threatens to take a hit on automatically generated content. The main distinction is that Article Forge content is totally unique, search engine optimized, very human-friendly, and most importantly helpful.
Article Forge is the AI solution that will future-proof your content against the anti-AI sentiment Google is promising to deliver on. Content created by our AI is designed for people primarily, but it is also structured in a very search-engine-friendly format.
We have conducted a case study that shows Article Forge AI-generated content ranks as well as content written by humans. Additionally, our articles typically have a pretty strong SEO score in third-party tools like AISEO, RankIQ, and SurferSEO.
Using AI to write articles is easy with Article Forge - a fully-fledged AI writer that can produce 1,500+ word articles with less than 15 seconds of work. You can sign up for a free 5 day trial with absolutely zero risk.
AI Content Creation Strategy
We have previously created an extensive resource on how to build an AI content strategy that you can read. This article covers all the smaller details that we don’t mention in this article.
So, you know how to select keywords and you understand search intent. Now it’s time to create content.
Generating content with an AI writer allows you to create content at scale. It's that simple. All you have to do is create a list of keywords that you want to create content for.
We recommend finding a balance of approximately 50% informational keywords e.g. how to, what is, and 50% high commercial intent keywords e.g. best, top, affordable.
Then, all you have to do is navigate to the New Article page in Article Forge and enter your keywords like this.

Then simply scroll down and press the “Create New Article” button. Now all you have to do is wait for your article to be generated. You can even queue up to 5 articles at once.
Once it has been generated, you will be able to upload it directly to your blog or make some light edits first. This is a really good idea if you’re trying to build a brand and want people to sign up for your email list, or subscribe to your social media accounts!
You can even use the bulk article generator to increase your output and efficiency even further in order to totally minimize any human involvement.
Wrap Up
We hope that you found this article useful. You should now understand the distinction between the AI writing tools, the fundamentals of search intent, keyword research, ranking and seeing results in organic search, and of course, how using AI to write articles can help you to produce content effortlessly.
With all that said, you can now go ahead and begin to implement what you have learned into your own content strategy. As always, if you have any questions please use the form below to ask and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
In the meantime, happy forging!
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